Interview Of Mr. Tejas Khurana, Senior Consultant At Legal League Consulting (Management Consultants To Global Legal Industry)

A career in Law Firm Management was a freak of fate for Mr. Tejas Khurana, who was inclined towards Litigation. He is now extensively working with law firms for the past five years, assisting them managerial and strategic aspects of organizational management. Here’s Mr. Khurana in conversation with Editor Ms. Priya Chaudhary on building a career in Law Firm Management and his experience-

Q1 How did you land at Legal League Consulting? Was Law Firm Management something you always wanted to do, or did you get introduced to this idea later?

A1 During college, I often found myself surrounded by peers who appeared to have their futures planned out, with conversations revolving around securing prestigious internships and pre-placement offers. In contrast, I needed a clearer direction, realising only that I had no interest in attending court proceedings. However, this absence of a predetermined path ultimately opened up a multitude of options and encouraged me to think beyond the conventional.

During an internship with a renowned litigation firm, I first encountered Legal League Consulting (LLC), a management consultancy catering to the legal community. Intrigued by their work, I was also aware of the impressive journey of their Founder and CEO, Ms. Bithika Anand, a visionary whose professional accomplishments are widely recognised in the legal fraternity. Although I was initially conditioned to pursue conventional and “safe” career paths, my brief stints with global consulting firms and LPOs failed to diminish my fascination for law firm management.

Fortuitously, I had the opportunity to engage with Mr. Nipun Bhatia (President – Strategic Legal Management) from the LLC team and gain further insights into their work. As fate would have it, they were actively seeking to expand their team, and our mutual interests and goals aligned. This serendipitous encounter catalysed my career journey in law firm management.

So to answer your question, law firm management was not something I always wanted to do but I was introduced to the idea later and I am glad I was. I have found it to be a fulfilling and impactful career, and I am grateful for the opportunities I have had to make a difference in the industry.

Q2 Being a part of India’s first management consultancy for the global legal industry would require a combination of legal expertise and executive management skills. By what means did you acquire these skills?

A2 Being a management consultant for the legal industry certainly requires a unique set of skills, including legal expertise and executive management skills.

I acquired my legal expertise through my formal education and practical experience interning with a few law firms, where I gained a basic understanding of the legal industry and its various processes—my brief time at Unitedlex and Ernst & Young allowed me to develop my project management and problem-solving skills.

In terms of executive management skills, I have honed these through my work at Legal League Consulting. I have been assisting several Law Firms across different facets of law firm management, including Strategy and Business Planning, Partnership Structuring, Human Resources Development, Practice Development, Knowledge Management, Brand Enhancement and other related services, which have required me to think critically and creatively to find solutions. I have also had the opportunity to work closely with senior management, learning from their experience and insights and observing their leadership style.

In summary, I have acquired my legal expertise through my education and experience, my executive management skills through my work at Legal League Consulting, and my efforts to continuously develop my skills.

Q3 You have counted good research as one of your appreciated abilities. Why do you think it is important to be detail-oriented when it comes to your role at LLC?

A3 Being detail-oriented is essential for my role, as research is a key component of any consulting project. Research allows me to gather and analyse data, identify trends and patterns, and make sound recommendations based on that information. It’s important to have keen attention to detail when conducting research as it ensures that the data collected is accurate and reliable, which in turn leads to more precise and actionable recommendations.

Furthermore, in my role, I often work with clients who have specific and complex needs, and a detailed research process allows me to understand their problems, goals, and constraints in greater depth. This enables me to provide them with tailored solutions more likely to achieve the desired results.

Being detail-oriented also helps me to identify any potential issues or risks that may arise during the project and allows me to anticipate and mitigate them before they become bigger problems.

Q4 Having previously worked for Ernst & Young, what was the work culture and the key takeaways?

A4 During my time at Ernst & Young, I found the work culture to be highly collaborative and team-oriented. The company places a strong emphasis on knowledge sharing and continuous learning, which allowed me to gain valuable insights and skills from my colleagues.

The work was challenging, but the support and guidance from my team leaders and the team made it an enjoyable and rewarding experience. The company also provided ample opportunities for professional development, allowing me to grow and advance in my career.

The key takeaways from my time at Ernst & Young include the importance of teamwork, effective communication, and a strong work ethic. Additionally, I gained valuable skills in project management, problem-solving, and client management.

Another important aspect of the work culture was the focus on work-life balance, which helped me maintain a healthy balance between my professional and personal life.

Q5 If you had to advise our readers about a career in Law Firm Management, how should they start off?

A5 I think the first step would be to gain a solid understanding of the legal industry and the specific role of law firm management. This can be done by researching and reading about the field and talking to people who work in law firm management. Additionally, gaining experience in business management and administration can be beneficial as it helps to understand how a law firm operates.

Another important step would be to gain some experience in the field by interning or working in a law firm in a support role such as in administration, finance, or human resources. This will provide a hands-on learning experience and allow seeing the different aspects of law firm management.

Networking is also an important aspect to consider. Connecting with professionals working in the field and joining relevant associations or groups can open up opportunities and provide valuable insights.

Finally, pursuing education and training opportunities such as a law firm management course or an MBA with a focus on law firm management can provide the necessary knowledge and skills to excel in the field.

Q6 How do you work with a difficult client or court member?

A6 When working with a difficult client, my approach is first to understand their perspective and concerns. I actively listen to them and try to empathise with their situation. I then communicate clearly and professionally, explaining my position and the steps I take to address their concerns. I always remain calm and composed and set clear boundaries with the client. I document all interactions in case the situation escalates, or the client or court member makes false claims. I also seek support from my supervisor or other experienced professionals when needed. I strive to find an affordable resolution for both parties, which helps build trust and improve the relationship.

If I am still struggling to manage a difficult situation, I tend to seek the support of my mentors – Ms. Bithika Anand or Mr. Nipun Bhatia. They provide excellent guidance and help me develop a plan of action.

It’s important to keep in mind that difficult clients are only sometimes deliberately trying to cause problems. Sometimes they may be going through a difficult time or would have a different communication style. By using these strategies, one can effectively manage the situation and maintain a professional and respectful relationship.

Q7 One of your LinkedIn posts drew a comparison between law firms and sole practitioners. What are your views on the same when it comes to handling a variety of matters?

A7 Law firms generally have a larger team of lawyers with different areas of expertise, which allows them to handle a wider range of legal matters. This means that clients can receive specialised advice and representation in multiple areas of law. Law firms also have more resources at their disposal, such as access to legal research databases and support staff. This allows them to handle more complex cases and provide a higher level of service to clients.

Sole practitioners, on the other hand, typically have a smaller team and may specialise in only one or a few areas of law. This can limit the types of legal matters they can handle and the level of service they can provide. However, sole practitioners may have a more personal approach and closer relationship with their clients. They can also be more cost-effective as they have lower overhead costs.

It’s important to note that both Law firms and sole practitioners have their own advantages and disadvantages depending on the case, the client’s requirement and the lawyer’s expertise. Evaluating the options and choosing the one that best fits the specific legal needs and preferences is always a good idea.

Q8 If you had to hire an intern or an assistant for your role, what skills would you look for?

A8 When hiring an intern or assistant, looking for several key skills is crucial. Strong analytical skills are essential for analysing data and identifying patterns to make informed recommendations. Effective communication is important since this role requires interacting with clients, team members, and Partners. Problem-solving is a must-have skill as the role demands complex problem identification and creative solution development. Project management is also a key skill required to manage multiple projects and tasks effectively. 

Proficiency in software and technologies such as Excel, PowerPoint, and data visualisation tools are important technical skills. Flexibility, adaptability, teamwork, collaboration, and a strong work ethic are additional essential skills. 

Finally, a continuous learning mindset is critical since the role demands the individual to continuously improve skills.

It’s important to note that intern or assistant roles are entry-level, and the required skill set may be less than that of an experienced consultant.

Q9 How important do you think is unwinding amidst a hectic work schedule? Should one wait for the schedule to ease down or take a break at that moment to avoid getting overburdened?

A9 Unwinding amidst a hectic work schedule is just as important for lawyers as it is for anyone else. The legal profession can be demanding, with long hours and high-stress levels. Lawyers may also deal with complex and emotionally taxing cases, which can add to the stress of their job. Taking breaks and unwinding can help lawyers avoid burnout and maintain their mental and physical well-being. It can also help them stay focused and make better decisions, which can lead to better outcomes for their clients.

Similar to other professions, taking regular breaks throughout the day is generally recommended, rather than waiting for a break in the schedule. For example, taking a short break for a walk outside or practising mindfulness during lunch can be beneficial for lawyers.

Lawyers also need to set boundaries and make time for leisure activities, hobbies, and spending time with loved ones outside of work. This helps create a balance between work and personal life and helps maintain a healthy work-life balance. This is crucial for lawyers to avoid burnout and maintain their well-being in the long run.