Interview of Mr. Varun Kumar, Founder-CEO-Publishing Editor-Publisher-Owner of Law Audience Journal

Nithyakalyani Narayanan V

Meet Mr. Varun Kumar, a dynamic individual serving as the Founder, CEO, Publishing Editor, and Owner of the esteemed Law Audience Journal. Graduating with honors in B.A.LL.B from Himcapes’ College of Law, his profound fascination with legal research has propelled him to secure numerous publications across various platforms, including esteemed law journals. His expertise spans across a wide spectrum of legal domains such as Criminal Law, Constitutional Law, IPR Law, Taxation Law, and Company Law. A well-rounded individual known for his passion, commitment, and grace, Mr. Varun has enrolled as an advocate with the State Bar Council of Himachal Pradesh since 2019. Furthermore, his exceptional dedication led him to successfully clear the All India Bar Examination-17 in 2023.

Q1. Sir, as someone deeply involved in legal research and publishing, could you share with us your journey from pursuing your law degree to founding and managing the Law Audience Journal? What inspired you to take on such a multifaceted role in the legal publishing domain?

A: Certainly, my journey has been one fuelled by a passion for legal research and a commitment to fostering a platform for legal discourse. It began with my initial fascination with the intricacies of the law during my undergraduate studies in law. I was captivated by the dynamic nature of legal systems and the profound impact they have on societies.

Throughout my academic journey, I delved deep into legal research, exploring various legal topics and honing my analytical skills. This period not only solidified my understanding of the law but also ignited a desire to contribute to the legal community in a meaningful way.

The inspiration to establish the Law Audience Journal stemmed from a recognition of the need for a platform that would facilitate scholarly discussions, promote legal research, and provide a forum for practitioners, academics, and students to exchange ideas and insights. I envisioned a space where legal professionals could engage in dialogue, share their expertise, and contribute to the advancement of legal knowledge.

Driven by this vision, I embarked on the challenging yet rewarding journey of founding and managing the Law Audience Journal. It involved meticulous planning, networking with legal experts, assembling a dedicated team, and overcoming various hurdles along the way. However, the passion for promoting legal scholarship and facilitating intellectual exchange served as a guiding force throughout this process.

Establishing the Law Audience Journal allowed me to combine my passion for law with my entrepreneurial spirit, enabling me to make a meaningful impact in the legal publishing domain. It has been a gratifying experience to witness the growth of the journal and the positive feedback from the legal community.

In essence, my journey from pursuing a law degree to founding and managing the Law Audience Journal has been driven by a deep-seated passion for legal research, a commitment to fostering intellectual discourse, and a desire to contribute to the legal community. It is a journey that continues to inspire me as I work towards furthering the journal’s mission and promoting excellence in legal scholarship.

Q2. How would you describe yourself as a law student? Did you always want to choose a career path that is different from your classmates?

A: As a law student, I was diligent, curious, and deeply engaged in the subject matter. From the outset, I was captivated by the complexities of the legal system and motivated by a desire to understand its intricacies. I approached my studies with a sense of purpose, always striving to delve deeper into legal theory, analyze case law meticulously, and engage in thought-provoking discussions with peers and professors.

While I shared common goals with many of my classmates, such as excelling academically and pursuing meaningful career opportunities within the legal field, I also harboured a distinct inclination towards carving out a career path that diverged from the conventional trajectory. Rather than solely aiming for traditional legal practice, I was drawn to the broader realm of legal research, publishing, and intellectual discourse.

My interest in legal scholarship and publishing set me apart from some of my peers, as I sought opportunities to contribute to academic journals, attend conferences, and engage in extracurricular activities focused on legal research and writing. This inclination towards a non-traditional career path was driven by a passion for intellectual exploration, a desire to make a meaningful impact in the legal community, and a recognition of the diverse opportunities available within the field of law beyond traditional practice.

While my career aspirations may have differed from those of some of my classmates, I remained committed to pursuing my passions and leveraging my strengths to forge a unique path within the legal profession. This journey has been characterized by challenges, growth, and self-discovery, but it has also been immensely rewarding as I continue to pursue my passion for legal research and publishing, making a meaningful contribution to the legal community in my own distinctive way.

Q3. You have participated in various Moot Court Competitions at the National level. How did your experiences in these competitions shape your perspective on legal practice and research?

A: Participating in various Moot Court Competitions has been a transformative experience that significantly shaped my perspective on legal practice and research. These competitions provided me with invaluable opportunities to apply legal theory to real-world scenarios, develop essential advocacy skills, and engage in rigorous legal research.

One of the most profound ways in which these experiences influenced my perspective on legal practice was by instilling in me a deep appreciation for the importance of thorough research and preparation. In Moot Court, success hinges not only on persuasive oral advocacy but also on a comprehensive understanding of the law and relevant case precedents. Through countless hours spent poring over legal texts, dissecting case law, and crafting arguments, I honed my research skills and learned the critical importance of attention to detail in legal practice.

Moreover, participating in Moot Court Competitions fostered a strong sense of professionalism and ethical responsibility. In presenting arguments before judges and opposing counsel, I learned the significance of upholding ethical standards, maintaining integrity, and conducting oneself with civility and respect—a lesson that continues to resonate in my approach to legal practice.

Furthermore, these competitions provided me with a platform to enhance my oral advocacy skills and develop confidence in presenting legal arguments persuasively. The experience of standing before esteemed judges, articulating complex legal principles, and responding to challenging questions sharpened my ability to think on my feet, communicate effectively, and advocate zealously on behalf of clients—an invaluable skill set for any legal practitioner.

Perhaps most importantly, participating in Moot Court Competitions cultivated in me a passion for the pursuit of justice and the rule of law. Through analyzing intricate legal issues, advocating for the rights of hypothetical clients, and engaging in spirited legal debate, I gained a deeper understanding of the profound impact that the law has on individuals and society as a whole. This realization fuelled my commitment to using my legal education and skills to effect positive change and uphold the principles of justice and equity in my future legal endeavours.

In summary, my experiences in Moot Court Competitions at the National level profoundly shaped my perspective on legal practice and research by emphasizing the importance of thorough research, professionalism, advocacy skills, and a commitment to justice. These experiences continue to inform my approach to legal practice, inspiring me to strive for excellence, uphold ethical standards, and advocate passionately for the rule of law.

Q4. You have published a paper on the “Uniform Civil Code” in the Indian Journal of Constitutional Studies. What are your thoughts on the ongoing debate surrounding the implementation of a Uniform Civil Code in India?

A: As the author of that paper, I hold a nuanced perspective on the ongoing debate surrounding its implementation in India. The concept of a UCC in India is inherently complex and multifaceted. At its core, it aims to promote gender equality, social justice, and national integration by replacing personal laws based on religious beliefs with a common set of laws governing matters such as marriage, divorce, inheritance, and adoption. Proponents argue that a UCC would eliminate discriminatory practices embedded within various personal laws and ensure equal rights and protections for all citizens, irrespective of their religious affiliations.

However, the implementation of a UCC is not without its challenges and controversies. India’s diverse religious and cultural landscape, characterized by a multitude of personal laws governing different communities, presents significant hurdles in drafting and enacting a uniform code that is acceptable to all. Critics express concerns about potential infringement on religious freedoms and argue that imposing a single set of laws could undermine the cultural identities and traditions of minority communities.

Furthermore, the political dimensions of the debate cannot be overlooked. The issue of a UCC has often been politicized, with different parties and interest groups leveraging it for electoral gains or to assert their ideological agendas. Consequently, meaningful dialogue and consensus-building among stakeholders become increasingly challenging.

In navigating this debate, it is crucial to prioritize the principles of justice, equality, and individual rights while respecting the diversity and pluralism inherent in Indian society. Any attempt to formulate and implement a UCC must be grounded in extensive consultation, deliberation, and sensitivity to the concerns of all affected communities. It is imperative to strike a delicate balance between the pursuit of uniformity in civil laws and the preservation of religious and cultural autonomy.

Ultimately, the journey toward a Uniform Civil Code in India demands a thoughtful and inclusive approach that transcends partisan interests and fosters national unity while upholding the fundamental values of democracy and pluralism.

Q5. Sir, interning at prestigious law firms like B&B Associates and institutions like the Competition Commission of India must have provided you with valuable insights. How have these experiences influenced your approach to legal practice?

A: Interning at firms like B&B Associates and institutions like the Competition Commission of India has indeed been invaluable in shaping my approach to legal practice.

Firstly, my time at B&B Associates exposed me to the practical intricacies of legal work in a dynamic and competitive environment. I learned the importance of meticulous research, strategic thinking, and effective communication in providing comprehensive legal solutions to clients. Engaging with seasoned professionals and working on diverse cases broadened my understanding of various legal domains, from corporate law to litigation, and honed my analytical and advocacy skills.

Moreover, my stint at the Competition Commission of India provided me with a unique perspective on regulatory frameworks and their implications for businesses and consumers. I gained insights into antitrust laws, competition policy, and the regulatory mechanisms aimed at fostering fair competition in the market. This experience deepened my appreciation for the role of law in promoting economic efficiency, consumer welfare, and market integrity.

Overall, these experiences have profoundly influenced my approach to legal practice in several ways. I have learned the importance of professionalism, integrity, and ethical conduct in upholding the rule of law and serving the interests of justice. I strive to approach every case with a blend of pragmatism and idealism, recognizing the practical realities while remaining committed to the principles of fairness and equity.

Furthermore, my exposure to diverse legal environments has instilled in me a holistic perspective, enabling me to navigate complex legal issues with agility and adaptability. I understand the significance of continuous learning and staying abreast of legal developments to deliver optimal outcomes for clients.

In essence, my internships have not only equipped me with substantive legal knowledge and skills but also fostered a sense of responsibility and professionalism essential for a fulfilling legal career. I am grateful for these formative experiences and remain dedicated to making meaningful contributions to the legal profession and society at large.

Q6. As the founder and CEO of Law Audience Journal, what are your future plans and aspirations for the journal?

A: I am deeply committed to advancing the field of legal scholarship and promoting knowledge dissemination within the legal community. Looking ahead, my aspirations for the journal are rooted in fostering excellence, innovation, and inclusivity.

One of my primary goals is to expand the reach and impact of Law Audience Journal by enhancing its visibility and reputation as a leading platform for legal research and discourse. This involves forging partnerships with esteemed academic institutions, legal associations, and industry stakeholders to facilitate collaboration and knowledge exchange. By leveraging digital platforms and strategic marketing initiatives, I aim to attract a diverse array of contributors and readers from across the globe, thereby enriching the journal’s intellectual community and fostering a vibrant exchange of ideas.

Furthermore, I am dedicated to maintaining the highest standards of editorial rigor and integrity, ensuring that every article published in Law Audience Journal undergoes a rigorous peer-review process and upholds the principles of academic excellence and scholarly integrity. I envision the journal as a catalyst for cutting-edge research and interdisciplinary dialogue, encompassing diverse legal perspectives and addressing emerging challenges in law and society.

In line with the evolving landscape of legal scholarship, I am keen to explore innovative formats and thematic focuses that reflect contemporary issues and trends shaping the legal profession. This includes embracing interdisciplinary approaches, incorporating multimedia content, and embracing emerging areas of law such as technology, environmental sustainability, and social justice. By embracing innovation and adaptability, Law Audience Journal will remain at the forefront of legal scholarship and continue to serve as a dynamic platform for intellectual inquiry and debate.

Moreover, I am deeply committed to promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion within the journal’s editorial team, authorship, and readership. By fostering a welcoming and inclusive environment, I aim to amplify underrepresented voices and perspectives, thereby enriching the scholarly discourse and contributing to a more equitable legal profession.

In summary, my future plans and aspirations for Law Audience Journal revolve around enhancing its impact, relevance, and accessibility as a premier outlet for legal scholarship. Through collaboration, innovation, and a steadfast commitment to excellence, I am confident that the journal will continue to thrive and make significant contributions to the advancement of legal knowledge and practice.

Q7. Sir, finally, what advice do you give to freshers and law students who are interested in building a career in the field of legal media and content writing? 

A: For freshers and law students interested in building a career in the field of legal media and content writing, I offer the following advice:

Develop a Strong Foundation in Law: While pursuing your legal education, focus on building a solid foundation in core legal principles, research methodologies, and analytical skills. A thorough understanding of the law will serve as the bedrock for your career in legal media and content writing, enabling you to produce informed and insightful content.

Hone Your Writing Skills: Cultivate strong writing skills through practice and refinement. Pay attention to clarity, conciseness, and coherence in your writing. Additionally, familiarize yourself with different writing styles and formats commonly used in legal media, such as articles, blog posts, case summaries, and opinion pieces.

Stay Informed and Engaged: Stay abreast of current legal developments, trends, and debates by regularly reading legal publications, journals, blogs, and news outlets. Engage with legal communities, attend seminars, webinars, and conferences, and participate in discussions on social media platforms to broaden your knowledge and perspectives.

Specialize and Find Your Niche: Identify specific areas of law or topics within legal media that interest you the most and develop expertise in those areas. Specializing in a niche will not only differentiate you from others but also enable you to provide specialized insights and analysis, catering to the needs of your target audience.

Build a Portfolio: Start building a portfolio of your written work, including articles, blog posts, case commentaries, and research papers. Consider contributing articles to legal publications, blogs, and websites to showcase your writing skills and expertise. A strong portfolio will demonstrate your capabilities to potential employers or clients.

Network and Seek Mentorship: Network with professionals working in the field of legal media and content writing, both online and offline. Attend networking events, join professional associations, and connect with experienced practitioners for guidance and mentorship. Building meaningful relationships with industry insiders can open up opportunities for collaboration and career advancement.

Embrace Technology and Multimedia: Embrace digital tools and multimedia platforms to enhance your content creation capabilities. Experiment with video content, podcasts, infographics, and social media to engage with a wider audience and diversify your content offerings.

Be Adaptable and Resilient: The field of legal media and content writing is constantly evolving, so be prepared to adapt to new technologies, trends, and demands. Stay flexible and resilient in the face of challenges, and continuously seek opportunities for learning and growth.

By following these tips and leveraging your passion for law and writing, you can carve out a rewarding career in the field of legal media and content writing. Remember to stay curious, proactive, and committed to excellence in all your endeavours.