Dharmashastra NLU Allows Menstrual Leave For Female Students

Jahanvi Agarwal

Recently, the Dharmashastra National Law University in Madhya Pradesh’s Jabalpur region has begun providing menstruation leaves to female students for the current five-month semester, which began in August.

Vice-Chancellor Dr Shailesh N Hadli said that the students have been requesting menstrual breaks since last year, including the students’ bar association.

Dr Shailesh N Hadli states that:

“In the wake of it, we, including our Students Welfare Dean, decided to give the (menstrual) leave from this semester. These offs will be part of the six leaves given to students to take part in cultural and other important events each semester. Female students can avail of these leaves.”

In February of this year, the Supreme Court declined to entertain a Public Interest Litigation seeking directions to all states to create guidelines for menstrual pain leaves for women students and working women, remarking that the matter falls under the purview of the government’s policy domain.