Standing Counsel Of Haryana Prateek Som To Join Harvard University As Mason Fellow

Advocate Prateek Som, currently holding the post of Standing Counsel of Haryana in the Supreme Court of India and National Spokesperson of Jannayak Janta Party(a political outfit currently part of the ruling coalition in the State of Haryana) is set to join Harvard Kennedy School for its one year MPA program as Mason fellow. He is being given an Edward A. Mason award and a 100% scholarship funding for this program.

The Edward S. Mason Program, designed for students from developing countries, is a big deal; it boasts several prime ministers, presidents, and leaders of multilateral institutions among its alumni.

His eight credits will be from Harvard Law School focusing on studying ways to improve laws governing economic offences and strengthening laws pertaining to financial frauds.

Mr. Som said he is “incredibly humbled” to join Harvard. “Not only will it give me the opportunity to share my experience with others, it will give me a chance to learn,” he added.