Is User Privacy A Concern In Digital Forensics?

Varenya Vaish Constituting as an extension of forensic sciences, digital forensics, in a nutshell, deals with investigating data/information/material that is taken from various digital devices. There are various categories under the said field such as: [1]Computer Forensics: deals with deriving Read more

UN Recognises The Right To Environment As A Human Right: An Analysis

Naveen Talawar “There will be no human rights when the world we live in is scorched, sunken and toxic.” Chiara Liguori, Researcher and Advisor on Climate Justice Introduction  Everything that supports life, including water, air, and soil, is part of Read more

Section 311 Empowers The Trial Court To Summon Witnesses In Order To Arrive At A Just Decision: Supreme Court Observes

Aaratrika Bal While we have Section 301 of the CrPC that imposes limitations on the right of the private person to participate in criminal proceedings, the Supreme Court decided that Section 311 can be invoked if it is necessary in Read more

Dharmashastra National Law University Students Filed A Plea Before The M.P High Court Against The “Arbitrary” Fee Imposed By The University Authorities For Remedial Classes

Vanshika Tewari Case: SUMIT PARASHAR V/S STATE OF M.P. & OTHS. A writ petition was filed by the students of the Dharmashastra National Law University seeking relief in form of re-examination and the petitioners being able to attend the remedial Read more

The Regulator Must Deal Fairly With Complaints And Parties, Not Circumvent The Rule Of Law To Obtain Successful Convictions: Supreme Court In Reliance v. SEBI

Naveen Talawar While conducting proceedings or taking any action against the parties, a regulator, like the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI), has a duty to act fairly, the Supreme Court declared in a case where it granted Reliance Read more

Students At DNLU Are Outraged By A Remedial Class Fee Of ₹ 7500 Per Subject For Failing To Meet Attendance Requirements

Naveen Talawa The Dharmashastra National Law University (DNLU) students in Jabalpur are protesting the administration’s efforts to implement the rules concerning attendance and exams. The university’s policy, which has received criticism, states that remedial classes taken by students who don’t Read more

Abuse Of Dominant Position Under Competition Law In The Light Of Showtyme v. BookmyShow Controversy

Naveen Talawar Introduction  In India, it is well established that dominance itself is not a cause for concern, but the abuse of such dominance is. The Competition Act (2002) of the country expressly prohibits the abuse of dominance in a Read more

A Cyber Pearl Harbour? A Legal Analysis

Sanchit Gupta and Vaibavi S G “The potential for the next Pearl Harbour could very well be a cyber-attack.”                                   -Leone Panetta One cannot disregard the possibility of an Indian Pearl Harbour scenario for sure, albeit on a different realm; the Read more