Advocate Rishika Arora, In Association With Integrating Blocks To Guide You Through LL.M. Applications And Beyond

Lawyers looking to take their career to the next level will find challenge, choice and flexibility: Read about why LL.M. from a foreign university is an available option

We are living in a world where law, politics and business are increasingly intertwined, and a candidate who is familiar with the legal perspective on business practice, government policies or regulatory requirements will have a definite advantage in the workplace, leading to enhanced employability prospects.
Whether you are searching for a postgrad degree to build on your existing qualifications, working on a radiant CV, or just wishing to broaden your outlook by living abroad, it could be just the thing for you; provided it is done after thorough research about good universities offering courses which appease you and might benefit you in future.

For graduates in law, an LL.M. is an opportunity for in-depth study and exploration of areas of law you may have found intriguing when doing your LL.B. Pinpointing your focus in such a way may be helpful when the time comes to choose the right firm or chambers to apply to for a training contract, enabling you to concentrate on the organisations that have strong practice areas in or around your LL.M. specialisation.

You will interact with faculty that have years of experience not only with lecturing but also, in some cases, advising policy makers in your chosen field. Many universities invite legal practitioners as guest lecturers and organise opportunities for students to attend industry events; all this meaning that you gain exposure to the thinking and practices that contribute to shaping your area of specialism.

The reality of today’s globalised world is that people with an international education and understanding of how things work in global markets do have a professional advantage over those who do not have this perspective. Your LLM experience could be viewed as an education timeline where you get to live in a new country, meet new people, acquire new tastes and yet have more than just a suitcase of souvenirs and a memory card of photographs to show for it; at the end of it all you would be returning home with a tangible long term investment in your future: a Master of Laws.

There is no shame to admit that in spite of analysis on your part, you may need a mentor to guide you through your way in fitting into the eligibility criteria, securing an admission and beyond. Desi Kaanoon has thus joined hands as a Media Partner with Integrating Blocks and Advocate Rishika Arora, an alumnus of Columbia Law School herself to provide you with every possible assistance.

We henceforth extend to you the opportunity to interact with the Director of Columbia Law School, Ms. Julie Scullie in a live session on Desi Kaanoon, exclusively! She, along with Ms. Rishika Arora, will address all your relevant queries today at 8:00 P.M. (IST) on our Instagram account. Make sure each aspiring LL.M. candidate is your knowledge gets to know about it.


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