Legal Aid Centre, University of Lucknow, Lucknow: EQUAL ACCESS TO JUSTICE FOR ALL

About: Lucknow University Legal Aid Clinic (Insert link ) is inspired by the determination to promote ‘EQUAL ACCESS TO JUSTICE’, seek to promote legal literacy, provide free legal service and create socially responsible citizens and to facilitate access to Read more

विशाखापटनमगैस रिसाव

आज तक भारत में कई गैस रिसाव हुए हैं, उन मे सबसे घातक भोपाल गैस त्रासदी थी | चंद दिन पहले ही विशाखापटनम मे भी गैस रिसाव हुआ| यह औद्योगिक दुर्घटनाविशाखापटनम से करीब 20km दूर आर. आर. वेंकटपुरम गाँव में Read more

Interview of Dr. Chinmay Bhosale, Partner SRB OJAS, A Practicing Advocate In The Field Of Criminal And Commercial Litigation

Mr. Bhosale has had an illustrious academic life and an equally industrious legal career. A gold medalist of the Pune University, he is one of the youngest Advocates in India to have been conferred with a Ph.D. in Law. With Read more