Jai Raj Bhati
On Friday, January 3, 2025, Pushpa movie fame actor Allu Arjun was granted regular bail for the stampede case of Sandhya Theatre dated December 4, 2024, by the Namepally Court of Hyderabad. The FIR for the incident was registered after the complaint by a family member of the deceased lady under the sections of Bhartiya Nyaya Sanhita (BNS) 105 (Punishment for culpable homicide not amounting to murder) and 118 (1) read with section 3 (5) (Voluntarily causing hurt or causing grievous hurt).
The matter revolves around the tragic death of a lady named Revathi, aged 35-year and critical injuries to her nine-year-old son. The incident happened after the actor came without making any public announcement about the premiere of his new movie Puspa 2 the Rule. There were no security measures or any planning for such a big gathering, and the crowd went out of control to have a glimpse of the actor. Police said that they were not notified about the event, and that was the reason for lacking security measures.
The Trial Court had awarded 14 days of judicial custody to the actor after the arrest on December 14 but got interim bail by the Telangana High Court of four weeks and had strict restrictions on leaving the country and if change in residence, then to notify the Court about it and to furnish a bond of Rs 50,000, the theatre management were also granted interim bail who were co-accused. The interim bail was to expire on January 10, but the application for regular bail was accepted by the Namepally Court and said to furnish two bonds, each amounting to RS 50000, and said to notify the Court before any out-of-India travel and to report to the police station every Sunday till two months or till the chargesheet is filed.
The makers of the movie along with the actor had announced 2 crores (1 crore by Allu Arjun and 50-50 lakhs each by the Director and Mythri Movies) to the family of deceased.