Justice Hema Committee Report Released Amid Kerala High Court’s Dismissal of Privacy Plea

Radhika Mittal

The Kerala High Court dismissed an appeal by actress Ranjini, who sought to halt the release of the Justice Hema Committee Report. A Division Bench of Acting Chief Justice A Muhamed Mustaque and Justice S Manu rejected her appeal against an August 13 order by a single judge. The report was released to journalists at 2:30 PM in Aug,2024 shortly after the dismissal of Ranjini’s appeal.

Key Findings of the Justice Hema Committee Report
– The report exposes the alarming harassment faced by women in the Malayalam film industry.
– Women in the industry are pressured to make “compromises” and “adjustments,” often alluding to sexual demands made by those in power.
– Harassment reportedly begins as soon as a woman seeks a role in cinema, with explicit demands for sexual favors to secure a position.
Women suffer due to the lack of toilets, frequent changes in locations, and insufficient accommodations in movie sets.
Female artists have reported that they avoid drinking water and delay using the restroom, leading to health issues and even hospitalizations in some cases.
Women face significant challenges during their menstrual periods, exacerbated by the lack of proper facilities.
Some male artists suggested that women should learn to adjust, according to the report.
While some men acknowledged the issue and the need for change, others, including a prominent actor, downplayed the problem, suggesting that women have been working under these conditions for years without complaints.
The report also highlighted the existence of unauthorized and illegal bans imposed on cinema artists by powerful groups within the industry, often used as a means of retaliation or control.

Background of the Justice Hema Committee
– The Justice K Hema Committee was established in 2017 by the Kerala government.
– The committee was formed following a petition by the ‘Women in Cinema Collective’ (WCC) to study the challenges faced by women in the film industry.
– The report was submitted in 2019 and its public release was authorized by the State Information Commission under the Right to Information Act, with personal details redacted.

Legal Challenges Leading to Report Release
– Film producer Sajimon Parayil contested the release, but his plea was dismissed by Justice VG Arun on August 13.
– Ranjini’s appeal raised concerns about privacy violations, arguing that the redaction process was left to the discretion of an Information Officer.
– Ranjini stated that her testimony was provided with an assurance of confidentiality, expecting to be informed before any release involving her statement.

Implications and Next Steps
– With the report now public, affected parties, including Ranjini, are left without clarity on which portions of their testimonies were disclosed.
– The Kerala High Court has adjourned further hearings on the writ petition to August 27.

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