Indian Railway Issues Guidelines To Prevent Incidents Of Crime Against Women In Trains And In Railway Premises

 Akanksha Chowdhury 

The Indian Railways, on 20th of March, 2021, observing the increasing rate of crimes against women and children in Trains and Railways premises, issued guidelines concerning the combat of the same. About 20% of the 23 million daily passengers traveling through Indian Railways are women, which accounts for a significant 4.6 million. To prevent crimes against women, guidelines including Action Plan, Preventive measures, Sensitization, Surveillance modes, Notice for passengers, and other special measures were issued.


The Action Plan was divided into Short Term and Long Term Plans.

The Short Term Plans included keeping watch on suspects, a regular visit to vulnerable spots by Duty Officers and Staff during their rounds, which were to be implemented immediately from existing resources on priority without any delay.

Long Term Plans included improvement on Infrastructure, installation and maintenance of CCTV and light masts, etc. which may take reasonable time but should be chased with concerned authorities regularly till such time that the same is duly completed. Until then, temporary minor works should be attended to, to effectively improve the situation with minimum or no extra expenditure, using the present resources.


The following preventive measures were proposed:

  1. Proper lighting arrangements should be ensured alighting all vulnerable places identified in Railways Stations, Circulating area, Parking lot, FOBs, approach roads, end of platforms, yards, washing lines, DEMU/EMU Car sheds, saloon sidings, maintenance depots, etc.
  2. All abandoned structures, quarters, unattended or unguarded buildings at isolated places, should be demolished immediately in consultation with engineering departments. Till such time they are demolished, the same should be regularly checked, especially in dark and when the presence of people is minimal.
  3. Unauthorized entries/ exits should be shut down.
  4. Yards, pits, and surrounding areas of stations must be kept clean of unwanted vegetation which could potentially provide concealment to offenders of crime.
  5. Waiting rooms should not be left unattended and entry of persons into Waiting rooms should only be allowed after proper entry, especially at night and when the presence of people is minimal. They should also be cross-checked by Duty Officers at odd hours.
  6. Proper police verification of staff engaged contractually should be ensured and their identity cards should be checked regularly as per SOP and GCC. No staff without Identity cards may be allowed in trains and railway premises.
  7. No unauthorised persons may be allowed in yards and coaching depots where coaches are stabled and a controlled entry system should be maintained.
  8. Proper checking and locking of coaches by C&W and Electrical staff should be ensured before empty rakes are moved to washing lines. Condemned coaches in yards or sick lines must be kept locked and checked regularly.
  9. Proper checking and locking of coaches in the washing line should be ensured after cleaning and other activities with regard to coaches are completed, and the same should be brought to the platform in locked conditions.
  10. Appropriate basic security arrangements and a proper surveillance system should be ensured in coaching yards and depots.
  11. Encroachments should be removed on priority, particularly in/near passenger areas, following legalities. Unauthorized entries to railway premises should be prohibited
  12. The provision of free internet services to passengers by the Indian Railways should be regulated by coordinating with service providers and ensuring that porn sites are not accessible through this service.
  13. Unauthorized or unwanted persons in the railway premises should be rounded and prosecuted. Railways station, yards, and trains should be kept free from unsocial elements.
  14. Special drives may be launched to apprehend and prosecute persons consuming alcohol in railway stations and trains.
  15. Exemplary actions should be taken against Railway employees involved in such offenses.
  16. Crime cases against women must be followed up till their logical conclusion.


The following sensitization measures were adopted:-

  1. Sensitization of all railway employees and contractual workers may be done. Staff engaged in inspection of rolling stocks, porters, and hawkers/vendors should be encouraged to report the incidence of any offence to the Police or RPF, or Station Master without any delay. The help of NGOs may be obtained in this regard.
  2. Observing the pattern of increase in the incidence of molestation or assault of women if general cases of eve-teasing are unattended, and as a preventive measure, GRPO/RPF officials shall promptly take necessary action upon receiving any complaint regarding any type of crime against women.
  3. Regular briefing of staff at mounting and debriefing at dismounting should be ensured by the Post Commander/Duty Officers/Shift-in-charge.
  4. Zonal railways may deploy cultural troupes for Nukkad Natak, etc. to sensitize railway passengers towards cleanliness, respect for women, spreading awareness of legal provisions for the security of women and children, and the penal provisions against the violation of such laws.
  5. Railway personnel across all departments should be sensitized about their duty towards women and children through soft skills and gender sensitization imparted in various training institutes. Proper training should be imparted to identify women in distress and children in need of care and protection and respond accordingly to the situation.
  6. Special sensitization programs should be organized in ZTI/Training Centers where Railway Employee or RPF undergoes initial/periodical pieces of training.
  7. Sensitization programs should be conducted for women to come forward and report incidents of misbehaviour against them.


The following provisions with regard to to surveillance over-identified vulnerable areas were introduced:-

  1. The use of CCTV surveillance systems should be made effectively. A timely and regular audit of the cameras installed and the area covered by them should be done. It should be ensured that all the persons visiting the Railway platform and passenger area are captured in the cameras.
  2. The vulnerable places identified for such crimes should compulsorily be captured under CCTV surveillance and the same should be kept in mind while planning for location/relocation of CCTV.
  3. The position of women’s coaches should be fixed at the platform and CCTV cameras to be specially installed on the platform in such a way that they provide adequate coverage of these coaches.
  4. CCTV feed should be monitored by officers regularly.
  5. Crime Intelligence Branch & Special Intelligence Branch should ensure surveillance of the area identified to be vulnerable for rape and other heinous crime related to the human body (women), in addition to being inspected regularly by concerned RPF executive staff.
  6. Use of the National Database on Sexual Offenders (NDSO) may be made for keeping surveillance of offenders residing in that area.


The following special measures for the prevention of crimes in trains were adopted:-

  1. Escort parties should be briefed well regarding the prevention of heinous crimes in trains. Extra caution should be observed at night.
  2. Crowding near toilets should be prevented since toilets are the most commonly reported place of incidence of such crimes.
  3. Positioning of Coach Attendants and AC mechanics at their allotted seats near entry/exit gates can be helpful to keep surveillance over the area.
  4. Escort parties should brief attendants and pantry car staff who keep moving in trains, taking them in confidence to report any suspected activities or probability of the same and respond accordingly. Escort parties should be courteous to passengers, especially women.
  5. Proper care should be taken for the security of women passengers travelling alone or with children by focusing on the proper implementation of Meri Saheli initiative.
  6. Train Captain or Superintendant should cross-check the identity cards of all out-sourced staff working in the train. PCSCs/Sr. DCC should coordinate with their counterparts of the Commercial, Electrical, S&T, and Mechanical departments to ensure coordination between all staff on board. They should ensure that all the outsourced staff bears an Identity Card issued after proper Police Verification. Cross-checking should be ensured by these departments also.
  7. CCTV cameras and Emergency Response System installed in coaches should be in working condition and should be attended to properly.
  8. Escort parties and station RPF/GRP staff should ensure that ladies coaches, which are generally near or with the train Guard in the tail end of trains that might remain outside the Platform area, are attended properly at halting stations.
  9. Staff deployed in train escort and yards should observe caution when the train approaches or leaves the station where the speed of the train is restricted since this is usually when criminals jump out from running trains. Such persons should be apprehended and questioned for further necessary action by the concerned authority.


Following guidelines were issued for notice of passengers:-

  1. Helpline numbers provided by Railways should be widely publicized.
  2. Awareness should be spread of Pan India Emergency Response System and other important forums and calling facilities available for reporting offences and particularly offences against women in that area.
  3. People should be made aware of the “One Stop Centre (OSC) which is exclusively designed to provide integrated services such as medical aid, police assistance, legal counselling/court case management, psychological, social counselling and temporary shelter to women affected by violence under one roof.
  4. Other relevant advertisements educating the passengers should be published in various print, electronic and social media platforms.

The above guidelines issued by Indian Railways advised all Zonal Railways and Production Units that they are not exhaustive, and merely indicative. Proactive field units may implement various other mechanisms to ensure the safety of women, depending upon local conditions and circumstances.

The recent guidelines issued by Indian Railways in favour of the safety of women have been appreciated at various forums and by the public at large. Although there are hopes from such proposed reforms, the success of the same can be evaluated only after complete implementation of all the guidelines. It is worth noting that the guidelines, although well put under ideal conditions, demand strict execution to fetch desired results in a corruption dominant system flouting rules. This shall necessitate every personnel and staff, and the passengers to maintain caution and discipline as regards their duties and rights within the railway premises and trains. Unless there meet cooperation and proper coordination from all ends, the desired results of a safer and healthier environment for all, especially women and children, cannot be fetched.

The original document bearing the given guidelines issued by Indian Railways on 20th of March, 2021 can be read at: .